Meteorological services
Monitor thunderstorms and develop a lightning services capability with CATS software.

Your requirements
Forecasters in meteorological services need to be able to track convective cells in real time and assess the level of risk they represent.
Complementary to satellite and radar data, lightning data from ground-based detection networks is decisive for this characterization.
Thanks to “lightning jump” (sudden increase in lightning density within a cell), the most dangerous thunderstorms can be identified in time. You can then transmit this key information to disaster management services and other institutional actors who need it, such as air traffic control. Automated storm alarms can also be broadcast directly to the populations concerned, fulfilling the UN objective of EW4All (Early Warnings for All).
In addition to real-time use in your governmental missions, lightning data archives will enable you to analyze incidents on request from your supervisory government office or to respond to external requests, from insurance companies for example.
With a database of sufficient depth, you will also be able to establish a climatology of lightning activity in your country.
Whether access to lightning data takes the form of a subscription to a feed or the installation of a local detection network, meteorological services are now attaching great importance to the most downstream part of the information chain, called the “last mile.”
Providing services rather than data helps develop the uses of the information supplied, boosts your visibility and consolidates your position as the undisputed meteorological leader in your country. If your statutes allow it, it also offers you the possibility of generating revenue as part of a cost recovery strategy.
You are looking for a way to access lightning data and provide services using this data in order to:
- respond to your governmental missions in the event of a severe thunderstorm,
- analyze lightning activity in your country,
- develop the uses of thunderstorm-related meteorological information,
- generate an additional source of revenue.
Discover our references in the sector:

All our solutions tailored to your requirements
Develop your own lightning service capability
Take advantage of CATS and provide your users with services tailored to their requirements.
Monitor live thunderstorms and lightning
Optimize your preventive measures and mitigate risks as early as possible.
Integrate lightning information
Feed your own tools with our high-resolution flows and data, in real time or past time.
Receive training on lightning and thunderstorm risks
Develop your skills and your employees’ skills.
Our references in the sector
Key benefits for our users
01 38 years of technical expertise in lightning detection and its applications.
02 A modular software platform dedicated to lightning data processing and the production of services tailored to every need.
03 High-resolution data from the best detection technologies currently available.
04 Extensive support in developing your cost recovery strategy.
Are you interested?
Our experts are at your service to help you identify the best solutions to meet your challenges.
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